Each license allows for promotion to higher categories according to certain guidelines. Upgrades can be based on either experience or points, depending on the level and license type. If you are here, we hope it's because you are excelling and improving and want to challenge yourself further. See Policy VIII Race Category Upgrading and Downgrading for information.
All rider upgrades are processed through your My USA Cycling account.
- Log in to your USA Cycling My Account
- At the top right-hand side, click on Licenses.
- Scroll down to the Discipline Category section.
- Click on Upgrade
- On the following screen, you can select the requested category and supply the following required information to support your request in the text box below the Category Selection fields.
- Upgrade requests are processed in 3-5 business days, so please approach the timing of your upgrade request in a manner that reflects the importance of your upgrade being processed in a timely manner.
The request will be sent to USA Cycling staff responsible for reviewing upgrades. Please provide the information about your race experience and placings in the following manner.
The information you must provide includes:
- Name of event
- Race/Event date
- Type of event(Road/Track/Mountain Bike)
- Category(or Categories of your field)
- Number of participants
- Placing (if applicable)
- Points for the placings you've achieved per Policy VIII
If the administrator approves the upgrade you will be notified by email and your account will be changed so that when you request a new license, the category will be changed. If the administrator denies your request you will also be notified via email.
Only races/events permitted by USA Cycling or foreign races permitted by a UCI-affiliated national federation will count for upgrading.
Officials, mechanics, and coaches have their own unique levels of license and upgrade requirements.
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