USA Cycling employees do not know your password, but you can reset it using the email address on your USA Cycling account.
From the USA Cycling homepage use the profile person icon in the upper right of the page to access the login screen or this link here.
Select "Forgot Password" underneath the "Login" button.
Enter the email address associated with your USA Cycling Account in the box and then enter your birthdate and select "Submit." After a few moments, you will receive an email. Open the email and select "Reset USAC Password" button. Click here for instructions on what to do if you don't receive the password reset email.
Enter your new password in both boxes and click "Submit."
Notes on Passwords:
Your new password needs to follow the below rules:
- Be at least 8 characters long
- Contain at least one lowercase letter
- Contain at least one uppercase letter
- Contain at least one digit
- Cannot contain any spaces (whitespace)
How do I log in to my account?
To log in to your account or one of your athlete's account that you manage, you can use one of the following combinations:
- Username and Password
- License number and Password
- Email address and Password
If you need assistance locating your license number, please reference this article here.
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