First and foremost terminology, depending on where you are you will here the following terms used:
- USAC Number
- USA Cycling Membership ID
- USA Cycling License number
- Domestic license number
- USA Cycling account number
The numerical value is the same for all these descriptors listed above. USA Cycling is still generating license numbers from our database that was set up in the mid 1990s. License numbers can range from 4 digits to 6 digits long depending on when your account was created.
If you've misplaced your membership number and cannot login to your account to retrieve it, you can use USA Cycling's results database to look up your name and find your corresponding license number. You can search results here.
Please note there can be up to two additional numerical values in your account that are also unique identifiers and assigned to you and only you.
The more common of these two is your UCI ID. This is your ID assigned to you when we've confirmed your sporting nationality with the UCI (international governing body of cycling). This number is 11 digits long and is not to be confused with your USA Cycling license number. You can learn more about UCI IDs here.
The other ID that is attached to your account is your profile ID. The only place this ID lives is in the URL once you logged into your account. This is an internally used number only by USA Cycling staff. We want to call it out to make you aware of it, but this number has no outside value.
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