Below are some of our favorite groups when it comes to explaining bike tech and gear when it comes to understanding this space.
For the road discipline we recommend the insights from Global Cycling Network (GCN). They have expanded into other disciplines, but their knowledge of the road space is great especially as they don't take them selves too serious all the time.
For Gravel we recommend the Gravel Cyclist. They provide some great insights into this newer space for the industry in great digestible content pieces.
Mountain Bikes
For a little bit of everything definitely check out and bookmark Pinkbike, now a part of the Outside group, the content this team puts together is great for XC to DH racing and everything in between from racing news to tech reviews.
There are also a handful of content creators on YouTube that is gaining some traction compared to your traditional media outlets. Some that we recommend are BKXC, Seth's Bike Hacks / Berm Peak and Park Tool.
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