USA Cycling has worked with USADA to make clear selection and testing procedures for our members that are easy to follow.
1. Any rider with a USA Cycling license must make himself or herself available for anti-doping testing by US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF) or their designees in-competition and out-of-competition. Per USA Cycling’s Anti-Doping Policy, any USA Cycling member can be tested at any USA Cycling or UCI event and must adhere to all USADA, WADA, CADF and/or their designees anti-doping control procedures in effect at the event.
2. At Events at which USADA is conducting doping control pursuant to its own Testing Authority, a USADA representative will draw up a list for notification of riders to be tested. The list will be posted at the results posting area and at the Doping Control Station. If there is no results posting area, the list for notification will be posted at a location agreed to by the Doping Control Officer, Chief Referee and Race Director as well as at the Doping Control Station.
3. The list for notification will identify the specific race being tested as well as the riders by the following methods: name, bib number or finishing place in the specific race, and constitutes official notification under the applicable anti-doping rules that the rider has been selected for Sample collection. If there are multiple groups in the same race, and only one group is being tested, the list will endeavor to state what groups within the race are not being tested. Failing to do so does not undermine the validity of the notice to the riders designated on the list for notification.
4. Any rider who picks up a bib number at an Event or is participating in a multi-day Event, including any rider who does not start, abandons, or otherwise does not finish the race, shall be personally responsible to verify if they have been selected to undergo testing, under the following conditions:
- If notified by a USADA chaperone or Doping Control Officer that they have been selected for testing, the rider will provide their signature and remain under continuous watch (direct observation-the rider cannot ride away) of the chaperone or Doping Control Officer and immediately report to the Doping Control Station (unless the athlete requests a delay for reporting for valid reasons, as outlined below).
- Any rider who did not start the race for which the rider picked up a bib number or completed registration at the race, shall check the list for notification no less than fifteen minutes (15) after the start of the rider’s race and directly report to the Doping Control Station, and, in any event, before leaving the Event premises.
- Any rider ending their race (dropping out or crossing or completing their race at the finish line), shall locate and review the list for notification and report to the Doping Control Station within 15 minutes if selected or if the list is not found, even in the event that chaperones are used to notify riders.
- Riders selected, but not in the processes outlined above, must report directly for testing to the Doping Control Station no more than thirty (30) minutes after the finish of the last rider in their race.
5. The absence of notification by a notifying chaperone, abandoning, and/or not otherwise starting or finishing a race shall not exonerate the rider from their obligation to check if the rider has been selected for testing and directly report to the Doping Control Station for Sample collection.
6. The absence of the rider’s name, race number, or placing from the list for notification shall not be deemed an excuse if the rider is notified in another manner or if it is established that the rider had become aware in any other manner that the rider was selected for testing and therefore required to appear for Sample collection.
7. If any rider foresees that they might be prevented from checking to see if they have been selected and/or reporting for testing in a timely manner, as specified above, the rider shall try, by all available means, to inform the Doping Control Officer on site and prior to leaving the premises.
8. The Doping Control Officer may, at his/her discretion, consider any reasonable request for permission to delay reporting to the Doping Control Station following acknowledgement and acceptance of notification, and/or to leave the Doping Control Station temporarily after arrival, and may grant such permission only if the rider can be continuously chaperoned and kept under direct observation during the delay. For example, delayed reporting or temporary departure from the Doping Control Station may be permitted for the following activities:
- Participation in a presentation or awards ceremony [the deadline to report shall be thirty (30) minutes after the end of the portion of the ceremony in which the rider participated];
- Fulfillment of media commitments [the deadline to report shall be thirty (30) minutes after the rider’s presence is no longer required at the press conference];
- Competing in an event made up of qualifying heats or rounds conducted during the same competition session or day (whichever is shorter) that the rider is still eligible to compete in (a rider who has to take part in further heats or rounds conducted during the same competition session or day may ask for permission from the Doping Control Officer to submit to Sample collection after the other heats/rounds. The Doping Control Officer shall decide whether the test should take place immediately or following the other heats/rounds);
- Competing in further competitions (a rider who has to take part in another competition on the same day may ask for permission from the Doping Control Officer to submit to Sample collection after the other competition. The Doping Control Officer shall decide whether the test should take place immediately or following the other competition);
- Performing a warm down;
- Obtaining necessary medical treatment;
- Locating a representative and/or interpreter;
- Obtaining photo identification; or
- Any other reasonable circumstances, as determined by the Doping Control Officer.
9. If the Doping Control Officer gives approval for the rider to delay or temporarily leave the Doping Control Station, the Doping Control Officer shall agree with the rider on the following conditions:
- The reason of the delay or the purpose of the rider leaving the Doping Control Station;
- The time of return (or return upon completion of an agreed activity);
- That the rider must remain under continuous observation of the Sample Collection Personnel throughout;
- That the rider shall not pass urine until he/she gets back to the Doping Control Station; and
- The Doping Control Officer shall document the time of the rider’s departure and return.
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